Real US Numbers is site for SMS verification with real Verizon mobile numbers of United States, work for any service (Paypal, OpinionOutpots, Swagbucks, Dosh, Craigslist, SSI, Survey Junkie, Branded Surveys and many more). Easy to use web site for 24/7 access unlimited numbers available for automation.
Using the platform of Real US Numbers is very easy but first of all you must register, if you are already registered you must login with username and password.
Then you must choose the SERVICE TO BE VERIFIED of page you want to verify as shown in the image and click on REQUEST PHONE NUMBER.
You must wait a few seconds while the system assigns you the number, then after that time the number will appear in the NUMBER section.
You should place it quickly on the page and send the SMS, you have few minutes to do this, if you do not manage to place it on time you will lose a certain fraction of the credit.
The SMS will appear in the MESSAGE section with the verification code.
Ready you know how to use Real US Number now to Buy Credits. Accept as means of payment Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethereum and more.
In Real US Numbers we use completely real numbers from verizon mobile no-voip. They work with any web page of the United States.